Design, Winter

Day after Christmas…embracing Scandinavian Hygge

The day after Christmas…how does this day feel to you?

Are you one to box up all the tinsel and tree right after the last gift is opened on Christmas morning?

Or do you wait a few days longer to do so?

If this day after Christmas is feeling a bit bleh than don’t fret! I’ve got some little antidotes for that mood…and it’s all done through what we like to call in Denmark


Now, what is this odd word? Well Hygge pronounced … is a word we use in Denmark to describe the state of being cozy. It’s everything that embodies that, and so the Danes have this special word that we use when we want to create a cozy environment. It’s such a popular term that it’s taken on its whole own life…it has become a lifestyle. And it’s a lifestyle that has helped the Danes get through all the dark months of the cold north.

Hygge can be:

Good company

Good conversation


Good food


A warm fire

Spending time on hobbies

Basically it’s quality time spent doing something you love or creating an environment where Hygge can thrive.

Hygge is the Danish Art of Happiness!

To help us all along this sometimes cold and dreary January I will be sharing small ways that you can create Hygge in your home.

So with that let’s focus on some simple ways of bringing that sense of Cozy or Hygge to you and your home!

Taking down the Christmas decor and leaving up anything Winter themed.

Last year I did a whole post about after Christmas decor decorating. Check it out for some inspiration !

The basics are take anthing down that’s strictly Christmas themed and leave up Winter decor items.

Think simple greenery, creams, Woods and whites, pinecones, cozy throws and pillows and even some twinkle lights if you are not ready to say goodbuy to their glow. And do NOT forget…candles!

Transitioning from a Christmas to Winter foyer

I started with my foyer….Here you can see a perfect example of just that ….this space I just worked on getting all the Christmas out and leaving what would bring some Hygge into the space, keeping in mind that Winter is still upon us, and just embracing that!

Adding textures and candles bring in Hygge well
Winter decor…after Christmas

Well my friends, there is a little introduction to Hygge. Stay tune for some more information on this topic throughout this month of January. I’ll be covering all sorts of things about it and how you can implement it into your own everyday.

Let’s make this January the BEST one by adding Hygge to it!



8 thoughts on “Day after Christmas…embracing Scandinavian Hygge”

  1. Years ago I started collecting snowmen to use for some of my Christmas decor because it allowed me to keep them up after Christmas!


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